The moment of
buying a belt , although it seems simple and immediate, can hide difficulties especially when you choose a model spotted in an online store. As happens with shoes and clothes, belts also have their own size and fit,
characteristics that must be carefully measured even when it is not possible to wear the belt . This is why it is always advisable to rely on
a guide that indicates the measurements of the belts , so that you can choose the correct size of the new accessories you intend to purchase.
Choosing the size, how to compare belt measurements
An important observation to make is that the size of the belt does not correspond at all to that of the trousers that you usually wear, nor to that of the male or female waistline. A
belt , in fact, must take into account the fact that it will be worn to embellish or adjust the fit of
dresses ,
trousers ,
jeans , not to mention the need to wrap any shirts and underwear. These are all
factors to take into account to identify the correct size of the belt , in order to purchase accessories online with certainty. First of all, you need to understand the length of the belt, which does not mean measuring the entire belt: it is in fact necessary
to measure the distance between the last hole of the belt, excluding its terminal section,
and the buckle of the same .

The first method of measuring the size of a belt, in fact, involves
comparing the new belt with one of those already owned by the customer. If the belt has the possibility of removing the buckle, it is possible to proceed with the measurement considering the hole of the removed buckle and the hole usually used to close the accessory. When it is not possible to remove the buckle, it is advisable to consider the belt that is usually used and lay it out on a flat surface lengthwise. At this point, having turned the belt inside out, measure the distance from the attachment where the buckle was sewn, to the hole usually used. The final measurement is obtained by adding this measurement, added to the entire length of the buckle, measured from the attachment of its stitching to the belt to the point where its pin, or the hook that fastens the belt, falls to close the buckle itself.
Buying a belt: measure your waist
When you want to buy a belt taking your waist measurement as a reference, you need to define the height where you will subsequently insert the belt, in order to correctly measure the circumference.
Measuring a high-waisted belt : Your waist should be measured at the height of your navel, at the narrowest point of your hips.
Measuring a standard waist belt : The waist should be measured approximately two or three cm below the navel, at the height of the natural waistline.
Measuring a low-waisted belt : the waist should be measured approximately five cm below the navel, even better if the measurement is taken where a pair of low-waisted trousers marks the waistline.
To accurately measure your waistline, it is advisable to avoid wearing clothing, and add three or four cm to the waist measurement actually recorded. This is to consider the bulk of all the things that will be worn with the belt, from underwear, to pants and skirts, to
shirts or
sweaters , especially if worn inside the waistband of other clothing.
How to measure your waist without a belt
There are also some methods to determine the size of the belt without necessarily comparing its size with other belts. One of the methods is to
use a tape measure through the belt loops of the trousers or
skirt , point the initial measurement at the centre of the belly (where the button on jeans is usually located) and bring the second end of the soft tape measure to overlap with the first value. After that, take a deep breath so as not to get the measurement wrong. In this way, you avoid the belt interfering with breathing, consequently adding three or four cm to the final measurement. This measurement is the one to compare with the table relating to belt sizes, often accompanied by the technical details of the product page of the belts found on online e-commerce sites. For customers who are intending to purchase men's belts, another valid method could be to
measure the belt starting from the size of the trousers . For example, an Italian size 52 will correspond to a waist of 100 cm, for a total measurement of 115 cm. Obviously, you should consider that the size of the belt corresponds to the length between the point where the buckle is connected to the belt, and the hole that is usually used. However, you should not think that this last method is completely reliable: many of the sizes of trousers and similar items do not actually correspond to the actual measurement of the waist. An important detail, before purchasing a new belt, is not to use the size of a belt you already own. The ideal would be to check its dimensions as illustrated in the first method, as there are many variables in play that can change. An important detail is to check whether the measurements of the belt you intend to purchase already include the buckle or not. In case you have made a mistake in purchasing and the size of the belt is not the one you wanted, the models with a screw can be easily shortened and often the store itself guarantees this service.
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